Sketchbook Shirt

The Sketchbook Shirt idea came about when I looked at some creamy white stretch denim laying on my cutting table.  It was one of those moments when thinking pays off because I had just sketched some images in my sketchbook and the question popped:   "What if I sketch on that denim same as I do on paper?"  So that's what I did.  

I pulled out a black sharpie pen, draped about a yard and a half of the denim over my drawing table and started putting down lines of ink.  Oh my Gosh!  Fun!  Now this is a workshop I will teach in a heartbeat.  

For this article, I will show a few images and lightly touch on the process.  Here goes:

First Rendition of Sketchbook Fabric
Musically inspired by Van Morrison Melodies

I needed more sketched fabric for the shirt pattern I wanted to use.  I laid out more fabric on the drawing table and rather than freeform/musically inspired lines like on the first rendition, I went to one of my sketchbooks and used some of those images to lay down on the fabric.  Why reinvent the wheel right?  I have a LOT of sketches to use as inspiration for my fabrics.

After I sketched enough fabric, I then cut out the Sketchbook Shirt.  Here are a few images from that process.

studio viktorya 

Here's what it looks like on.  Notice the LOVE buttons?   The weight of the denim is fabulous and I love the fit.   I'll talk about the buttons and design decisions in an upcoming article.  Let me know what you think!  I'm going to teach this as a workshop so put out the word to your groups.  In 6 hours we can get a lot done!  Thanks everyone!                          


c. Sketchbook Shirt Viktorya / studioviktorya Wearable Art c. viktorya July 2017

